Mon – Fri: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Sat, Sun, & Federal Holidays: Closed
Unite Program
In August 2016, Air Force Chief of Staff (CSAF) General David Goldfien, released his letter to Airmen titled, “The Beating Heart of the Air Force…Squadrons!”
In turn, AFSVC was asked to establish an activity rich program that would equip empowered Squadron/Unit Commanders with options to facilitate unit cohesion. Unite provides Commanders with funding to initiate programs that will benefit all Airmen in their unit.
Unite is available to all Air Force and Space Force Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, and APF/NAF DoD civilians assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB and local ANG bases.
Spouses and Dependents are eligible to use Unite funding with written approval from Squadron/Unit Commander.
Contractors are welcome to participate but must pay any associated fees or costs.
Types of Events
Unit Developed Program (UDP)
Squadron leaders are given discretion to capitalize on opportunities available in the local area and on base within Force Support Squadron (FSS).
Charitable work proves a cost-effective team building activity that allows coworkers to see each other in a new light and can make a real difference in your community.
There are a variety of funded and free virtual options. These are programs & resources that still promote cohesion while social distancing.
Host your Unite event!
5 Easy Steps
1. Complete the POC Appointment Form
Commanders will appoint a squadron/unit Unite POC, in writing, to the installation C3. Email the signed POC appointment form to C3 at
2. Event Proposal
Complete the Event Proposal Form at least 10 days prior to the event and email to C3. All events must be recreational and activity based to utilize Unite funds. C3 will submit the request to AFSVC for approval. CY25 Submission deadline is 21 November 2025.
3. Event Prep
Once event is approved, confirm the date and time with the venue and coordinate the payments with your C3. All payments must be paid tax-exempt by the C3 via NAF PCard or TBCC (FSS Activities). All off-base vendors must have a valid 889 form on file prior to payment. Requesting units will not be reimbursed for any purchases made via personal credit cards, checks, or cash.
4. Have fun at your Event!
5. Submit After Action Information
The installation C3 won’t be attending your Unite events so we are relying on you to provide feedback to improve the Unite program. Complete the AAR form and submit at least 5 photos to C3 within 2 business days.
File Downloads
Funding Allocations
$10/Person per CY
For equipment rentals and program supplies.
$6/Person per CY
For food and beverage expenses. (Cannot be used towards alcohol)
Contact to learn more! Reach out to be added to our Wright-Patt Unite Teams page for file links and funding updates.